Gallery: Art Teachers


The Prairie Arts Council will present a show of area art teachers' work in its gallery from October 2 through October 25, 2015. This is the fourth time the teachers have exhibited together. Thirteen artists will be exhibiting using a variety of mediums and materials to express ideas about their work. There will be photography, ceramics, mixed media works, paintings, pastels, assemblages, pen and ink, low-relief wall hangings and jewelry on display. Most of the work will be offered for sale during the show.

Show organizer Kathy Ballard states that "this time many artists in the show tried new mediums or completely different subject matter for their work. It was exciting to see them push their work forward to a higher level of expression, and to challenge themselves by creating art outside their comfort zones. This show should appeal to the public because of the variety of art work on display; and it will be nice to see what area art teachers are doing on their own when they are not in their classrooms with their students."
The opening reception will be October 2, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Prairie Arts Center Gallery. Visitors may talk with artists and enjoy wine, punch, and appetizers as they view the exhibit. Gallery hours for the show will be 1:00- 4:00 p.m.on Saturdays and 10:00-Noon on Wednesdays. The Prairie Arts Center is located at 24 Park Avenue East in Princeton, Illinois. Phone 815-875-2787.