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This selection of holy cards
is the last of a three-part series;
all in a style of printing called
“dévotes dentelles”, which
looks similar to lace but
is made of paper
The first collection of
holy cards highlighted
the use of symbols in
religious art
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The second collection of
holy cards focused on the
work of a single printer,
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I’m adding this final set of
simply because I think
they are beautiful and
should be shown
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I used Google Translate
to learn what the text on
many of the cards meant,
but I just realized that the
way I typed the translated
text into the image captions
doesn’t appear in the Galleries
I will update my Media Library
to include the captions, but
in the meantime they
are shown below
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are forgotten at the foot of the Cross.

but whatever it costs me there will I go

possess my heart with the love of thee

Humbly I pray in the heart of Mary

I will take no action but in union with Mary
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I’ve truly
enjoyed working
with these images;
using “Google Translate”
to discover what the cards say,
giving the images meaningful
and consistent file names,
removing blemishes,
cropping, resizing,
and adjusting
brightness and
contrast with
Paintshop Pro
I have to comment
on my own reaction
to learning what the
messages on some of
these cards say. They
don’t always agree with
my understanding of what
the Bible teaches. Some go
so far as to suggest that “The
way to heaven is through
Jesus’ mother Mary”,
which I don’t
at all
I wanted to show
them anyway, and
suggest that we are
able to appreciate art
without subscribing to
the beliefs of the artist
If you search the
internet for “holy cards”,
you will be bombarded with
sales sites and publishers
of modern cards
Of the few sites I found
that display these images,
some of them are so small
you can’t see the artwork,
and some even stamp ugly
watermarks across the
images as if they
own them
The natural librarian
in me finds joy in giving
these historic treasures
a home, available
to anyone

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thanks for visiting.
come back soon…
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