French’s Days

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Leonard French
remembers how these
paintings came to be

the Greek
island of Samos
in the summer of 1962,
my son swam out through
the clear water and on
reaching me

How did
the world

These paintings grew
out of my attempt
to answer his

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I’ll add
the artist’s
in the photo captions
to see how they
compare to
the biblical

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The First Day

God saw
that the light
was good, and he
separated the light
from the darkness
called the
light Day, and
the darkness
he called
and there was evening,
and there was morning,
the first day
Genesis 1:4-5

The First Day, black and white burnt earth, a landscape without colour

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The Second Day

God made
the expanse and
separated the waters
that were under the expanse
from the waters that were
above the expanse
it was
God called
the expanse ‘sky’
and there was evening,
and there was morning,
the second day
Genesis 1:7-8

On the Second Day the earth was divided from the sky by a rainbow sea, and there was light and colour on the earth

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The Third Day

God said,
“Let the land
produce vegetation:
seed-bearing plants and
trees on the land that bear
fruit with seed in it,
according to their
various kinds.”
And it was
The land
produced vegetation:
plants bearing seed according
to their kinds and trees bearing
fruit with seed in it according
to their kinds
God saw
that it was
and there was evening,
and there was morning,
the third day
Genesis 1:10-13

On the Third Day the fish teemed in the sea, the serpent entwined with the turtles, and the air was full of birds

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The Fourth Day

God made
two great lights,
the greater light to
govern the day and
the lesser light to
govern the
He also
made the stars.
God set them in the
vault of the sky to give
light on the earth, to govern
the day and the night, and
to separate light
from darkness
God saw
that it was
and there was evening,
and there was morning,
the fourth day
Genesis 1:16-19

On the Fourth Day the man entwined by the serpent lay asleep beneath the earth, while a banner of life heralded his awakening

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The Fifth Day

the great
sea creatures
and every living
creature that moves,
with which the waters
swarm, according
to their kinds,
and every
winged bird
according to
its kind
God saw
that it was
And God
blessed them, saying,
“Be fruitful and multiply and
fill the waters in the seas,
and let birds multiply
on the earth.”

and there was evening,
and there was morning,
the fifth day
Genesis 1:21-23

On the Fifth Day man broke free of the serpent and thrust up through the earth

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The Sixth Day

created man
in his own image,
in the image of God
he created him; male
and female he
created them.
And God
blessed them
And God
said to them,
“Be fruitful and multiply
and fill the earth and subdue it,
and have dominion over the fish
of the sea and over the birds
of the heavens and over
every living thing that
moves on the
And God
said, “Behold,
I have given you
every plant yielding
seed that is on the face
of all the earth, and every
tree with seed in its fruit.
You shall have them for food.
And to every beast of the earth
and to every bird of the heavens
and to everything that creeps on
the earth, everything that has
the breath of life, I have given
every green plant for food.”
And it was so
God saw
that he had made,
and behold, it
was very
and there was evening,
and there was morning,
the sixth day
Genesis 1:27-31

On the Sixth Day the man and woman embraced in the beautiful garden

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The Seventh Day

So God blessed
the seventh day and
made it holy, because
on it God rested from
all his work that he
had done in
Genesis 2:3

All the days became one and everything was alive on the earth

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All paintings are enamel on
hessian-covered hardboard

183 cm x 160 cm

430 cm

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