Mynheer’s Stations

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Lately I’ve
been enjoying
artwork created in
series, around
a theme

Today we’re
seeing one by
Nicholas Myneer

a series that
reflects the events
leading up to the death
and burial of Jesus Christ,
commonly referred to as

The Stations of the Cross

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“I have found in him
no grounds for
the death
Therefore I will
have him punished
and then release him.”

But with loud shouts they
insistently demanded that
he be crucified, and their
shouts prevailed
So Pilate decided
to grant their
Luke 23:22-24

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Carrying his own cross,
he went out to the
place of the
John 19:17

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When Jesus saw
his mother there, and
the disciple whom he loved
standing nearby, he said to her,
“Woman, here is your son,”
and to the disciple, “Here
is your mother.”

From that time on,
this disciple took
her into his
John 19:26-27

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As the soldiers led him away,
they seized Simon from Cyrene,
who was on his way in from the
country, and put the cross on
him and made him carry it
behind Jesus
Luke 23:26

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Near the
cross of Jesus
stood his mother,
his mother’s sister,
Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary Magdalene
John 19:25

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When the soldiers
crucified Jesus, they took
his clothes, dividing them into
four shares, one for each of them,
with the undergarment remaining
This garment was seamless,
woven in one piece from
top to bottom
“Let’s not tear it,”
they said to one another.
“Let’s decide by lot
who will get it.”

that the scripture
might be fulfilled that said,
“They divided my clothes
among them, and cast
lots for my garment.”

So this is what
the soldiers
John 19:23-24

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When they came to the place
called the Skull, they crucified him
there, along with the criminals; one
on his right, the other on his left
Jesus said,
“Father, forgive them,
for they do not know
what they are

Luke 23:33-34

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called out
with a loud voice,
“Father, into your hands
I commit my spirit.”

he had said this,
he breathed
his last
Luke 23:46

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Now there was a man named Joseph,
a member of the Council, a good and
upright man, who had not consented
to their decision and action
He came from the Judean town
of Arimathea, and he himself was
waiting for the kingdom of God
Going to Pilate, he
asked for Jesus’ body
Then he took it down

Luke 23:50-53

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Then he took it down,
wrapped it in linen cloth
and placed it in a tomb
cut in the rock, one in
which no one had
yet been laid
Luke 23:53

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noted above
that several of the
Traditional fourteen stations
have no scriptural reference,
which means there are
no bible verses that
support the

Pope John Paul II
instituted a revised series of
fourteen Stations of the Cross
based on scripture

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a story using
multiple images
in a similar style and
format presents an
extra challenge
for the artist

Stations of the Cross
is a beautiful example
of consistent and
cohesive story

You can see
more of his work here

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Nicholas Mynheer

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