Annual Art Rummage Sale


The  Prairie Arts Council announced that its 14th annual RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE will take place on May 14 on the Prairie Arts Center lawn between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. 

RUMMAGE SALE donations will be accepted after May 1st on Saturdays and Sundays until May 14th at the Prairie Arts Center  from 1-4:00 p.m. Items acceptable include household items, decorations and typical rummage sale items. Art-related considerations would be paintings, prints, 3-D art, picture frames and art and craft supplies. No clothing please! BAKE SALE items can be dropped off on the morning of the day of the sale, May 14.

The proceeds from the sale are used to benefit the PAC Art Scholarship Program and rewarded at the end of May to two deserving Bureau County High School applicants.

The Prairie Arts Center is located at 24 Park Avenue East, Princeton, Illinois 61356.
Should you need additional information, please call 815-875-2787.