Lorena Malm: (in her own words)
I have chosen to title this exhibit… “Endurance”.
During the process of endurance, opportunity presents itself.
Without the strength of endurance, opportunity remains in the shadows.
I define Endurance as the act of working very hard without stopping, even in the face of an unpleasant or difficult process or situation, without giving way to pain.
In 1960… I learned of my passion for Art. My parents gifted me an oil “paint by number”. I also learned patience and frustration trying to stay within the lines. By the time I finished painting it, I knew...I was not meant to stay in the lines, and that I would create my own lines, someday!
In 1969… I began drawing and using watercolor. My Dad would bring me discarded steel blades from the sawmill to paint on with acrylic. I did not share my art, at that time, with anyone other than family and close friends.
in 1979… My Dad, my biggest supporter, passed away. I felt lost. No longer holding the passion, I boxed up my Art.
In 2005… I was introduced to Photoshop, and after teaching myself to use the software, I began to create digitally. My passion had returned, until my computer crashed in 2010!
In 2012… I was given oil paints, tools, brushes, an easel, and a huge roll of canvas. I taught myself to use these gifts, one mistake at a time.
in 2014… I purchased an iPad Mini. I discovered an Art App, and began creating digitally again. Exporting from the iPad to the computer, using GIMP, to complete the images. I do not use a stylus to create… only my index finger, maintaining a look unlike others.
It is my desire to bring beauty to the world through Art. The images I create come from life experiences, memories, emotions, and sometimes from my dreams. I embed my emotions into the Art, with intention to present a connection to the viewer, that they too will feel emotion and connected to an otherwise Abstract tangible.
The Gallery will be open every weekend
in August from 1:00 to 4:00
Join Us for an Opening Reception
Friday, August 6th from 6:00 to 8:00
Free and Open to the Public!
24 Park Avenue East