2019 PAC Children’s Christmas Musical Information and Expectations
Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the Prairie Arts Council and Prairie Arts Council Children’s Theater opportunities.
We are excited to be able to continue to provide the young people of our community with opportunities to grow as citizens and as performers.
This year’s show features a chorus and both singing and speaking roles. Rehearsals for the 2019 performance will take place weekday evenings, as well as Saturday and Sunday afternoons (approximately 1-2 weeknights in addition to the weekend for cast members with speaking roles; everyone with a singing role needs to be available for the Sunday afternoon music rehearsals). We make every effort to work around everyone’s busy schedules, but we do ask that children with conflict alternate commitments so that they do not consistently miss play practice) until the last TWO (2) weeks before the show, when the rehearsal schedule increases. The Children’s Christmas Musical is the flagship performance of the PAC theater season, and we anticipate another wonderful production.
Auditions are open to children in third - eighth grades, although select second graders may be cast, so second graders with a strong desire to perform and an ability to follow direction are welcome to audition. A parent is REQUIRED to attend the auditions unless prior arrangements are made with the director. If a parent/guardian does not come to the audition, their child will not be allowed to audition.
Audition times:
Auditions for this year’s PAC Children’s Christmas Musical are set for Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27 at 6:30 PM. Children may audition either time. Because of another show currently rehearsing on the PAC stage, auditions will be held at the Hampshire Colony Church, 604 S Church St in Princeton. Separate arrangements can be made if a child has conflicts at those times.
At auditions, children will be asked to sing “Jingle Bells” and “America the Beautiful,” both in a small group and alone; those interested in a speaking role will be provided with a scene selection at the audition.
Our philosophy:
The goal of the Prairie Arts Council is to promote the ARTS for the entire community. Our goal is to offer options for music and theater activities to our youth, particularly for those who may not have an interest or aptitude for sports. In so doing, we strive to build character, to teach skills, and, just as important, to have fun.
We make every effort to cast all children who audition so that everyone who is interested has the opportunity to perform.
Show dates:
This year’s performances will be in conjunction with the annual Princeton Christmas Walk, November 22-24. We will offer Friday and Saturday night performances as well as a Sunday matinee. There is also a possibility of a Saturday matinee.
In the past, we have tried to schedule rehearsals around your child’s schedule. We make every effort to work around the kids’ schedules, but as kids get busier, this becomes increasingly difficult. Expect your child to have 2-4 rehearsals per week if he/she has a speaking role. Chorus members will generally be asked to come only to music rehearsals (Sundays) for the first month or so.
Our primary method of communication with the cast for rehearsal and general information is email. If you do not have email or if your family does not check email regularly, please find a friend or neighbor who will contact you with announcements. If the parents live apart, please consider providing both of their email addresses to us, so that both parents can be made aware of schedule changes, expectations, requests for volunteers, etc. This is particularly helpful if children spend some weekends or evenings with the non-custodial parent.
Cast list:
Once the show is cast, a cast list will be emailed to participants. It will also be posted in the information box next to the PAC theater door.
Will be sent to you via email. Please print the script and put it in folder or binder, but do not allow your child to read the script until the cast read-through (this helps us to teach proper pronunciation and inflection during the initial read-through If you cannot access email or a printer, please let us know so we can print one for you.
Attendance at rehearsals is very important. We all have busy lives, and many of our children are booked in numerous activities. Unfortunately, everyone suffers if anyone is missing from a rehearsal, so we ask that you make this a priority. If your child has conflicting activities, we ask that you spread the times you must miss an activity among them rather than have your child miss play practice and attend the other activity on a consistent basis. The last two weeks of rehearsals are very important, so we ask that your child not miss rehearsals during that time. Extra rehearsals are added at that time, particularly the weekend before the show.
Parental involvement is crucial. Parents are expected to be responsible for their child’s attendance and for calling/texting us if your child is ill or otherwise cannot be there. We also require that parents participate in the production aspects of the show. There are a wide variety of production details that we need help with, including: chaperoning rehearsals and shows, provide refreshments for intermission, sell tickets, write press releases, put up posters, organize the cast party, arrange for t-shirts, videotaping, collecting and typing cast bios for the playbill, assist with set construction, painting, costumes, and props, and assist with strike (tear down of set and PAC clean up). Detailed instructions are available, so these tasks are not as overwhelming as they may appear; of course, many hands make light work! We have had difficulties in past years getting enough parental support to be able to get all of the work done. If we find that our parents are not coming forward to volunteer in the first couple of weeks of rehearsals, we may be forced to cancel the show.
Critical Expectations of cast members:
We strive to create a safe, wholesome environment for your children. We ask that they behave at all times with kindness, support, encouragement, and acceptance of all cast members and volunteers.
We ask that cast members memorize their lines in first two (2) weeks (this is not as difficult for children as you might imagine).
We also want to emphasize the importance of cast members and families supporting PAC productions by volunteering and coming to see shows that you are not in! No one likes to perform to an empty auditorium, so please remember to come to see other productions here at PAC. This is not an idle expectation. PAC cannot continue to produce community theater shows without a volunteer base and an audience! Please support community theater in Bureau County by coming to our shows, concerts, and revues.
There is no mandatory cost involved in participating in our shows. However, the PAC board has asked that parents join PAC if their child is cast in the show. PAC exists only because of the hard work of many volunteers. Joining PAC is a demonstration of support and appreciation for the opportunities that this organization is providing for the children of our community. Any cast member from last year whose family has not joined PAC or made other arrangements with the directors will NOT be cast this year.
Membership rates: Family: $35, Individual: $25, Student: $15.
(Membership requirement may be waived due to financial hardship. Please talk to Stuart, the director, or email Tammy Tieman, the PAC theater director @ tetieman@yahoo.com.)
There are some optional expenses that are also associated with the show, which include a t-shirt, cast party, director’s gift, and snacks for long rehearsals.
If you have any special needs accommodations, please contact us ahead of time at 815-876-6754 or studogvetmed@mac.com so that we can make appropriate adaptations.
Thank you for your interest in PAC Children’s Community Theater. Please print the Audition Information Form, fill it out (we MUST have your child’s sizes and a list of conflicts!), and bring it to the auditions. We will have copies available if you cannot access a printer. We look forward to seeing you there!