"May Flowers"
The Prairie Arts Council is pleased to host a new exhibition in our gallery space, featuring work by a group of artists from the Ottawa Art League. The theme of the exhibit is “May Flowers”, and will be open to visitors every weekend in May from 1:00-4:00pm. Please join us for an Opening Reception on Friday May 4th from 6:00-8:00 pm
The Ottawa Art League is a non-profit organization established in 1967 by a group of artists from the Illinois Valley Area. Their mission is to cultivate and promote a greater interest in art, and to encourage the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience among both professional and amateur artists. They meet in the lower level of the 807 Building on LaSalle St.
To learn more:
Come meet fellow artists and art enthusiasts on the first Wednesday of the month (except June and December) at 7:00 pm. Each meeting has about thirty minutes of group business, then we break for mingling with other artists and refreshments, returning for a 45-60 minute presentation on techniques, method, learning, inspiration or discussion with other artists. We'd love for you to join us and see what we are all about!