The Prairie Arts Council welcomes Princeton’s Photography Unlimited club during the month of February as they exhibit some of their members’ most recent photographic works in the PAC gallery. This exhibit begins with a wine and hors d'oeuvres reception honoring the photographers from 6 to 8 p.m. February 6. Friends and the public are welcome to attend.
The group was formed on January 12, 1978, and currently has 35 members. When asked about Photography Unlimited, past president Jon McCutchan said it’s quite an active group of people. He reported that the group has had workshops on portrait photography, macro photography, Photoshop focus stacking and HDR (high dynamic range). As a group, they have visited several destinations in the region doing “mystery shoots,” not revealing the location until the morning they gather for the three- to four-hour competition outing.
The group also has monthly photo challenges where they encourage members to find new shots of random topics around food, flowers, and babies. They have enjoyed programs presented by accomplished professional photographers at their annual banquet, and often have members bring work from their own projects.
In addition, the club sponsored a community-wide photo competition in the fall of 2014 that introduced the club to many local photographers unaware of their activities. Many of its members have exhibited at the Bureau County Fair. The members have also participated in twice yearly “Friendly Four Club” contests with members of camera clubs from Sandwich, Streator, and Morris. Photography Unlimited recently hosted the 69th such competition in November.
The group meets at 7 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Bureau County Republican Community Room. Guests and interested new members are welcome to join them for these monthly meetings.
The Photography Unlimited exhibit will run through March 1 in the PAC gallery during open hours from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesdays and from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. This exhibit is free and open to the public.