Workshop: Zentangle

This fun, meditative, relaxing art form, sometimes referred to as “yoga for your brain”, is quickly becoming popular among artists and non-artists alike. The goals of Zentangle are to increase focus and creativity while providing artistic satisfaction. A type of doodling, Zentangle is a pen and ink technique that encourages creativity and relaxation with the use of invented repetitive patterns. We will work in a small group format to make a completed black and white 3.5” x 3.5” paper tile.

Linda Fine, a certified Zentangle teacher who received her certification in June 2013 in Providence, Rhode Island, will show us how to get started with this fascinating process. A one-time $8 material fee is payable to the instructor the first night of class. No skill level required. Four different sessions will be offered, with the first longer session being an explanation and instruction of Zentangle. Each session will complete its own project.

Preregistration is required by April 2. To register, call (815) 875-2787 or mail to the Prairie Arts Center, 24 Park Avenue East, Princeton, IL 61356.

COST: $12 members; $15 nonmembers (plus a one-time $8 supply fee)

**Pay per session or save by signing up for all four sessions at once: $35 members; $45 nonmembers.

PAC Member Cost: 


Non-Member Cost: 


+ Materials Fee: 
