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a Spanish teacher
from Bettendorf Iowa,
was inspired after a family
struggle with childhood illness
His daughter needed medical
attention, and the prognosis
from the Mayo Clinic
was discouraging
They never lost faith,
and eventually found a
treatment that resulted in
almost immediate
Overjoyed by their
daughter’s recovery, but
saddled with significant
medical bills
“If God
healed her, surely
He could help us, too.
We put our trust
in Him.”

Photo by John Shultz
Quad City Times December 12, 2017
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That’s when
Keith began making
his cut paper designs.
Fellow teachers asked if his
designs were for sale, and what
began as a stress-relieving
outlet soon turned into a
thriving side business
Before long,
the medical bills
were paid off
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Keith hosted
paper-cutting workshops,
accepted commission requests
for custom designs, and taught
sold-out classes at the Figge
Art Museum and the
German American
Heritage Center
He was
happy to teach
paper-cutting to others
(keep the German art of
Scherenschnitte alive!)
and appeared
as a guest on the
Martha Stewart Show
to talk about it
the hand of God
in his family’s story, he
often donated his snowflakes
to help raise money for charities,
and made snowflakes as gifts
for every teacher who
retired from BHS
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Keith collapsed
during a morning run
earlier this year and
couldn’t be revived
Joy Kelly,
has been a
Spanish teacher
at BHS since 2001.
He loved his students,
he loved his colleagues
and he loved teaching
was a positive,
compassionate and
talented presence on
our campus and he
will be missed
dearly by
all of us.”
BHS Principal
I miss him, too.
-=< O >=-
We were
fortunate to attend
two of his paper-cutting
workshops hosted by the
Prairie Arts Center
here in Princeton
gave an
inspiring talk
while we sat together
at long tables, snipping
away at our snowflakes
(by coincidence, an
exhibit of my acrylic paintings
was hanging in the PAC Gallery
during the first workshop!)

Prairie Arts Center
November 2017
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Let’s see some of
Keith’s designs!
Bonn’s Snowflake Gallery

“20 Mysteries of the Rosary”
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This is a stunningly
intricate paper-cutting called
“20 Mysteries of the Rosary”
Looking at the image closely
for awhile, you begin to see
shapes surprisingly resolve
into familiar symbols
If you are reading this
on a mobile display, it might
be difficult to see the details,
so let’s zoom in a bit…

“20 Mysteries of the Rosary”
In this detail
you can see that he adds
hundreds of dents and tiny
holes in elaborate patterns
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According to “Bonn”,
(what his friends called
him, and sometimes
Mr. Snowflake!),
this image is
“one of my very
favorite designs”
The theme of
this piece is
St. Francis
of Assisi

“St. Francis of Assisi”
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It’s a delightful experience
for me, looking at features that
are symmetrical but seem chaotic,
puzzling out what he was intending
to show, and then realizing that
I’m seeing rabbits, and birds,
outstretched arms, etc.
He Is Risen

“He is Risen”
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The next one
will be harder to see.
It’s a large design, but
scaling it to a smaller
screen will lose some
of the detail.
The Last Supper

“The Last Supper”
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The largest white
shapes in the design shown
above are silhouettes of
Leonardo da Vinci’s
“Last Supper”
I couldn’t find a
title for this one,
but the theme is

-=< O >=-
I found this image on
Keith’s Facebook page
Here is the comment
that he attached to it
I’m happy to share
it with you
Keith Bonnstetter
is a good day
to have a
In the midst
of great turmoil
we must turn all to
Christ, not because this
is in our nature, but
because He can
transform all
I woke today
with a renewed spirit,
a resolve to quiet myself
and listen to the
voice of truth
The one
that says,
in all things
be grateful
The first words
that I heard were,
“if today you hear His
voice, harden not
your heart.”
The next phrase
that flooded my
mind was
“The Lord is
my Shepherd,
I lack nothing!”
So in this desert,
I have found my oasis,
a place where I can listen
for the voice of my Savior,
who gives me strength
and courage
He floods my soul with
the peace that transcends
all understanding
joy shines
within my soul
even though outside
my front door
skies are
frightens me,
but He calms
my fears
that the days
to come are filled
with uncertainty and
difficulties, but as long
as I allow Christ to
guide me, I know
all is not lost
For no matter
what comes my way,
God is already there
making my path
and guiding
my way
Faith is
a decision we make
every moment of the day,
but faith in the midst of
difficult moments is
what sustains us.
Thanks, Bonn!

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Here is my attempt
to design a snowflake:

I used it
as the cover art
for one of our family
Christmas CDs
(not original music,
I just pick songs
I like, ha!)
Your Turn.
(try it!)
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thanks for visiting
come back soon
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