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This is one of my paintings.
I have a series of them
painted in acrylic,
on 12″ x 12″
canvas boards
To follow a similar format
as previous entries, I probably
should have named this article
“Olson’s Luke 22:61-62”
but it just didn’t
seem right
This is
“Peter’s Denial”,
and here are the
bible verses that
it’s based on
Peter sat down
among them. Then
a servant girl, seeing
him as he sat in the
light and looking
closely at him,
man also
was with him.”
But he
denied it, saying,
“Woman, I do not
know him.”.
a little later
someone else
saw him and
“You also are
one of them.”
But Peter said,
“Man, I am not.”.
And after
an interval of
about an hour still
another insisted,
this man also
was with him,
for he too is
a Galilean.”.
Peter said,
“Man, I do not
know what you
are talking about.”.
while he was still
speaking, the
the Lord
turned and
looked at
And Peter
the saying of
the Lord
how he
had said to him,
“Before the rooster
crows today, you
will deny me
three times.”…
Luke 22:55-62
And he
went out
and wept
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Upon returning from
forty days in the desert
(after being baptized in the
Jordan River by John)
Jesus attracted
It was common in
those days, for Jewish
rabbis to have disciples.
Is that what the twelve
apostles were to Jesus?
Were they chosen to
be witnesses?
To learn?
To be
Were they
ordinary people
Were they
like me
I imagine
how I would feel
after three years of love
and experience with the
most amazing person,
and thinking that the
Kingdom of God
was arriving
into the
and then
He is
captured and
tortured to death
Even worse,
I turn my back
on him
This might be
the closest thing
to a self-portrait
that I have
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thanks for visiting
come back soon
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Jack this is phenomenal! On so many levels.
Thank You, Mr. Adams!
It’s the kind of story that makes me cringe inside (because I know I’m weak, ha), but I’m glad I painted it…