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icon for
this article
is a detail from
Rosemarie Adcock’s
The Arrival of Jonah
at Nineva

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I can’t explain
why her paintings
with fish attracted
me first
online portfolio is
colorful and vibrant
Here’s a lively one,
‘Crossing the Red Sea’

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Notice the beautifully
balanced composition in
The Miraculous Draught
of Fishes

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I consider it a gift when
artists write about their work,
sharing the thoughts they had
while developing a design
Rosemarie discusses
several of her paintings
in her blog articles
For example,
here is one about
‘The Feeding of the 5000’
(also featuring fish!)
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OK, I’m hoping
she won’t mind me
showing two more here,
so I can make a final
As I continued to browse
these wonderful images,
I started to notice the
faces more than
the fishes
This is
‘The Last Supper of Belshazzar‘

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Maybe the title
should have been
Rosemarie’s Faces
instead of
Rosemarie’s Fishes
because she has taken so
much care in showing
each character as a
unique individual
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and now,
a gorgeous finale’
The Road to Emmaus

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There’s More
to Explore
Find a few more fish
(and other wonderful delights)
in Rosemarie Adcock’s
biblical paintings
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Two of Rosemarie’s paintings
have been converted to
Jigsaw Puzzles
Check it out here:
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Brilliant. Thank you. So uplifting.