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During 2020,
when COVID-19 kept
many from greeting others
and ‘passing the peace’
in traditional ways,
Sojourn Arts
hosted a
collaborative art
project through
the mail

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Each artist
starts a panel
and then mails it
to the next person
and also receives a
half-finished panel
from another
I’m grateful to be
one of the 100 artists
who participated
Here’s a link
to the online
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The Pieces
I contributed to
I received a blank 8×10 panel
with a pre-addressed mailer
Here’s the
‘Hovering Halos’
sketch I forwarded
to the next artist,
Joseph Sabel

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added to it
and mailed the
completed artwork
back to Michael at
Sojourn Arts

Pass the Piece
Jack Olson and Joseph Sabel
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Barbara sent me a
colored drawing of three
angels in the upper right
corner of her panel
I added to it

Pass the Piece
Barbara Bjelland and Jack Olson
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When I saw her angels,
it got me wondering
Are angels still around
Now that we have the
capability to invite the
Holy Spirit into our life,
are angels still at work
Are they speaking to us
If an angel was speaking
to me, would I know it
What if they are,
and I’m not
That gave me the
idea of seeing empty
“speech bubbles”
I’m a little worried that
my contribution to this
piece will be percieved
as a negative statement
about the spiritual world,
but I didn’t intend that
just got me
thinking about it
Thanks, Barbara
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Each of the
contributing artists
recieved a bound copy
of ‘Pass the Piece’ with
all 100 artworks
printed in

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Thanks to
Sojourn Arts
Michael Winters
and betterworld for
managing such a worthy
and meaningful project
We’ve found this
project to be a great
encouragement in light
of what individuals can
create together
We hope you’re
encouraged, too
Peace be with you
– Micheal Winters
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I kept thinking about
one of the designs above,
and decided to make a
stained glass window
out of it

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