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Nikola Saric
is an artist from Serbia,
now living and working
in Germany
What I like most
are his paintings
around a theme
The challenge of designing
multiple subjects into images
of similar size and format
has been accomplished
beautifully in his
‘Cycle of Life‘
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The first
painting in the
Cycle of Life is
The Incarnation
is centered on

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 01 The Incarnation
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The Birth
the baby Jesus
is held aloft, as Magi
and Shepherds
(notice the king and soldiers in the lower left corner)

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 02 The Birth
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The Baptism
the Holy Spirit descends
in the form of a dove
from the hand
of God

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 03 The Baptism
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The Feeding
five loaves & two fishes
are sufficient for

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 04 The Feeding
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The Transfiguration
Peter, James and John
witness Moses & Elijah

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 05 The Transfiguration
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The Last Supper
(notice the foot washing at lower left)

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 06 The Last Supper
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The Prayer
by Jesus in the
Garden of Gethsemane
as friends sleep, and
soldiers surround

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 07 The Prayer
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The Crucifixion

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 08 The Crucifixion
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(this image is a mystery to me)

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 09 The Resurrection
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The Ascension
Jesus returns to
The Father

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 10 The Ascension
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The Parousia
angels rejoice as
Jesus returns

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 11 The Parousia
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The New Creation
the boundaries are broken
and we receive the
gift of life

Nikola Saric (2017) Cycle of Life 12 The New Creation
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All of these
were painted on
paper using watercolor,
completed in 2017
30 cm x 30 cm
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Nikola Saric’s
website to see more of
these series’, like ‘Witness‘,
‘Nine Views of the Cross‘,
and ‘Earthy Stories with
Heavenly Meaning‘
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Nikola Saric
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The icon
for this article
is Nikola Saric’s
‘View of the Cross
on Judgment Day’

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