What I Believe
most difficult
assignment of my
Public Speaking Class
has been this
I had to
choose a topic,
and the first thought that
popped into my head
“What I Believe?”
I began trying to think
of an easier topic!
…but for some reason
I kept coming back
to this.
If someone asked you
to describe what you
really believe
in less than
five minutes,
could you do it?
I once heard a quote
from someone who said,
“I would have written a shorter
letter, but I didn’t have time.”
To get this speech close to
has taken me a long time
General Theory of Relativity
proved that time is not
a constant
a variable
that’s relative to
the mass and acceleration
of whoever is trying
to measure it
I believe it
I also believe that
God exists
He doesn’t have
mass or acceleration,
and therefore is outside
the time domain
I believe
eternity is not
“a long, long time”
or an infinite amount of time,
I believe it is the absence of time
This is as hard
for me to imagine,
as it would be for a
two-dimensional being
to understand me
What if there was
such a thing as
flat people
living on the
surface of the floor,
and they could perceive
any direction in the plane of the floor,
but had no concept of up or down
What would they
think of me
They would see my
shoes as two oval shapes,
and probably wonder how I
could be two places at once,
but could they really
Know Me
I believe
it would be easier
for them to imagine
than it is for me
to imagine
If God is outside the time domain,
He can see our whole existence
from beginning to end,
like one long parade
I believe
God started the whole thing,
and being able to see the end
from the beginning, immediately
realized we needed help
So He tinkered with it
I believe
God interfered
enough in the beginning
to know that we’d make it,
just like we interfere in our
children’s decisions until
they develop enough
to be on their own
by the time
Jesus left the Earth,
we had everything we needed,
and He was done tinkering
But if
you look,
you can see
His fingerprints
all over the place
did He do it
I know when I create something,
whether it’s
a drawing
or a poem
or a story
or software
or a circuit board
In a way,
I love it
I know
how I feel when
I look at my children.
I know I love them
I believe God loves us,
and wants to be with us
I believe
God’s ultimate joy
is for us to love Him,
and want to be with Him
I have
only read about
20% of the bible so far,
it’s the most
interesting book
I’ve ever read
I believe
it is the greatest
book ever written
I believe
it records a history
of communication
between man
and God
I believe it is an
Operating Manual
for mankind.
I believe Jesus lived,
that He was real
I believe
He had a closer
relationship with God
than I do
I believe
He was truthful,
and that He was
of the crimes
He was accused of
I believe
Jesus has more to say to us
than anyone who ever lived
I believe
we are in the
third age of mankind
The first
was a time of innocence,
like the story of the Garden of Eden.
An infant does no wrong,
because it doesn’t
know enough
The second age
started when we realized
that there is a difference
between right and wrong,
and we developed into a
legalistic system
of laws,
and sacrifice
as a child is
given rules, and
The third age
started when Jesus
fulfilled the law and
the prophets,
we realize
what God wanted
for us all along,
An adult with wisdom
sees the reason behind the law,
the spirit of community
I don’t believe we will
evolve into a peaceful
loving community
I believe
this age will end
when we are on the verge
of extinguishing ourselves
as a race,
Just as
the elderly
deteriorate, the
system starts to
I believe
humans are like floppy disks. Flash Drives
Even though
they have different
colors and labels and logos,
they all work about the same.
Its not the physical part
that matters, its the
software inside
that counts
even though
the hardware will wear out,
the software can live on
forever in one form
or another if cared
for properly
I believe that
my body will wear out,
but the spirit it contains
can live on
one form
or another if
cared for properly
I believe that
when I shed this body,
I will no longer have mass
or acceleration, and I’ll
inhabit eternity
I believe
that eventually
I will be in the
presence of God
For Real
In the meantime,
the bible says “Behold,
I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears My voice
and opens the door,
I will come in
to him”
I believe that.
(Running Length 5:05)