Are Tattoos Sinful?

Today I’m thinking about Tattoos.

One of the young men from our prison ministry asked us if they were sinful. 

“Are Tattoos Sinful?”

Some people might try to answer this question by looking at the only verse in the bible that mentions tattoos specifically;

Leviticus 19:28
You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.

According to the Old Testament commentaries I have, it was a common practice to mourn the dead by hair cutting, skin cutting and tattoo marking. We shouldn’t have to mutilate our bodies as a sign of respect for the dead, and I believe that God was telling the people of Israel to refrain from these practices. But that one verse doesn’t seem adequate for what we are seeing in society today.

Other scriptures point to the idea that our bodies are a temple.
If The Holy Spirit abides in us, maybe His dwelling place shouldn’t be decorated with symbols. But when it comes to decoration, how do we define what’s acceptable?
Are cosmetics okay?
Fine clothes and Expensive Jewelry?
Earrings just for women? 
What about hairstyles?
What about painted fingernails?
Where do we draw the line?

Or, maybe the concern is that since God created our bodies in a way that’s pleasing to Him, our willingness to alter it PERMANENTLY is the issue.
So, some might say that cosmetics are okay but cosmetic surgery is not.
Or that earrings are okay, but not ear piercing.
Will history books in the future tell about how we punched holes in our ears so we could hang ornaments from them? Will they question why we pierced small children, and even babies, without their consent?
We could even ask questions that seem silly… Should we even shave our beards or trim our nails if we are already made in the image of God?
Looking at the question from this angle will be fruitless.
It can only lead to legalism and division and endless discussion of everything from hair curlers to branding irons. 
We’ll never get a consensus that way, and we’ll never settle the question of where to draw the line.

So let’s look at it from the other direction…

Is Tattooing a SIN?

To answer the question, we have to think about what Sin is. 
My conception of sin may be simplistic, but in my understanding, sin is anything that separates us from our relationship with God. If our highest goal in life is to be in communion with God, or to live in the Light, then anything we do that damages that relationship is Sin. A turning away. But no one can live in perfect communion with God, and we all sin.
Paul writes,

Romans 3:23
 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,

With this in mind, let’s think again about the forms of body decoration and modification that we’ve already mentioned. It wouldn’t be appropriate to go without clothes in this society, so we have to wear something. The concepts of jewelry or cosmetics or tattoos or hairstyles aren’t sinful in and of themselves.

No. The sin manifests itself in HOW and WHY we use them.

You know in your heart if your efforts to adjust your appearance are
rooted in selfish motives,
a desire for attention or admiration,
boosting your pride,
flattering your self-esteem,
feeding your ego,
hoping that your appearance will elevate you.
If you examine yourself sincerely, you’ll know if you’re abiding in the light, living in communion with the Spirit, or if your desires are self-ish.

But don’t be fooled into thinking that it’s the TATTOO that’s sinful.  

It’s YOU.

With this in mind, I’ll risk making a definitive answer:

No. Tattoos are not sinful.

One final caution, though…
Part of the pleasure of displaying a tattoo is experiencing the reactions of the people who see it, sharing their enjoyment or surprise. One of the purposes of Art is prompting the viewer to either reinforce or re-evaluate their view. But if the subject of your tattoo is a symbol that’s shocking or provocative, or is a form of idolatry, you should seriously question the motive behind your desire to display it.

We should never cause anyone else to stumble.
We enjoy the gift of free will, but once a decision is made,
it’s not easy to take back.
Once it’s done, it’s difficult to undo.

What are YOU trying to say to the world?

Be thoughtful.

Act with purpose.

Thank you for sharing this time with me,
and may God Bless You.




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