Romans 13:12
The night is far gone; the day is at hand.
So then let us cast off the works of darkness
and put on the armor of light.
I just did this one just for fun. I like to play around with words, and one day I noticed the similarity between words like, LIVE, EVIL, DEVIL, DELIVER, etc.
I started lining up words in a grid, putting the “darker” words at the bottom and “lighter” words above, then filled in the rest of the grid with letters of the opposite color. It’s still very difficult to read, so I was hoping the verse about darkness and light would be a clue to the solution. No one I asked could figure it out, so I guess it wasn’t very helpful. Oh well…
For anyone interested, the first and last columns are all “D”s or “R”s (turned sideways), the second and sixth columns are all “E”s. Ignore all of the light letters for the dark words and ignore all the dark letters for the light words.
Yes, in my interpretation, “I” is the beginning of the road through darkness. The final word “EL” is not common, but you can Google it, right?
(ok, I won’t make you do the work. It means “GOD”).
Knowing what EL means, you might notice that some of the more prominent names in the bible have something in common;
AbEL, IsraEL, DaniEL, MichaEL, GabriEL
These are said to be “of God”