I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to spend the rest of my life, and whether I’ve done enough. What has my life amounted to, so far?
I don’t expect to live past the age of 100, so I’m pretty sure I’m past the mid-point already.
So I’m on the downside,
but if I have some time left I want to use it for something meaningful.
Watching the Olympic Games got me thinking about striving,
and goals and accomplishment, and receiving honor for it.
Would I have liked to be highly honored in my life?
Would I even want to be president or prime minister,
or an emperor or commander or king if it were handed to me?
Would I enjoy being a powerful person?
I don’t think so…
How about money? Would I choose to be wealthy if I could?
Well, I’ve always been comfortable enough. Honestly, more fortunate than most. never suffered any real hardship (no complaints about that) …but if I had TOO much money, I don’t even trust myself that I wouldn’t get in trouble.
So money is not a big driver for me. I wouldn’t choose to be powerful OR rich.
Would I like to be the best at something?
How about physically?
Run fast? jump high? swim far? break world records?
I don’t think so…
What about respect?
Maybe I would choose to be a respected scientist.
Making a contribution to society like curing a disease or inventing something.
Of COURSE it would be good to make some kind of beneficial contribution.
I would also enjoy being thought of as a WISE person.
To have people want my opinion.
To have people around me who want to hear my thoughts.
That might be something I’d choose.
What would YOU choose?
Lately I’ve wondered what my life has amounted to, so far.
And then, something jumped into my mind that I’ve heard about ALL MY LIFE,
but I’ve never really thought about it.
I was reading about the birth of Jesus in the gospels, and noticed the verses that describe visits by angels. What it would be like to be visited by an angel? For Real!
Could there be a higher honor than that? really?
I would like to be visited by an angel.
I would trade a lot for that.
I searched for the word “angel” and found over 200 of them all throughout the bible, but angels seemed to be especially active in the gospels, preparing the way for Jesus and protecting Him in the early years.
Let’s take a minute or two to look at angels, just in the gospels:
Angels appear twice in the first chapter of the gospel according to Luke. In Luke chapter 1 verse 11 an angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah, (later the messenger is identified as the angel Gabriel ) He informs Zechariah that he will be father of John the Baptist. He promises joy and gladness, He gives instructions that John is not to drink any alcohol, and He reveals that John will be filled with the Holy Spirit, from birth,
even before birth, …from his mother’s womb!
and he explains that John will be instrumental in preparing people for the Lord, and turning many people back to God.
How exhilarating would THAT message be, to know that you’re part of the master plan?
Six months later the same angel (Gabriel) appears to Mary, who is living in Nazareth. How would you feel if an angel appeared and told you, “The Lord is with you”?
Not only that, he says “You have found favor with God”
Really? That’s pretty good news…
and then he gives her more good news, that she will bear the king, who will reign forever. Words can’t even describe the feeling I’d get from that visit
Then the angel of the Lord appears to Joseph to let him know about the work of the Holy Spirit, and that Mary’s baby will save people from their sins.
That would be a welcome message, right?
After the birth of Jesus an angel appeared to shepherds in the fields bringing “good news of great joy”, telling them of the savior, Christ the Lord.
I would’ve liked being there and hearing that!
An angel appeared again to Joseph, telling him to flee to Egypt to protect Jesus from Herod.
So this wasn’t just rejoicing and sharing news, this was literal instructions! Flee!
And finally, an angel appeared to the women at the tomb, rolling back the rock and showing them that Jesus had risen, encouraging them to be witnesses of the greatest miracle ever
That’s six appearances by angels in the gospels,
intimately connected to the birth and life and resurrection of Jesus,
delivering crucial messages.
SO, while some people might dream of being the fastest runner, or a perfect SAT score, or climbing Mount Everest or exploring Deep Sea or Deep Space,
I would trade all that to be visited by an angel.
For Real.
To know that I’m a part of the Master Plan.
To be in the overlap between the Physical World and the Spiritual World.
If I could choose, that would be my choice.
Thank you for sharing this time with me,
and may God Bless You.