John 12:24
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
Let’s zoom out, and imagine that God is seeing the whole map laid out in front of Him. But He’s looking at the spiritual map of the world, not the physical map. And each one of you is the tiniest little dot, but it can be colored light or dark. And the times that you are connected properly, producing love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control? During those times your little dot just lights right up. If you could look at a map this way, with areas of lightness and darkness, you might be surprised how different it looks than the map of the physical world.
Think about a big natural disaster like a hurricane or a Tsunami. People hurting and dying. losing everything, lots of damage. Imagine me saying, “I have a loaf of bread, but I’m afraid to share it with you because I might need some tomorrow”. Well, the world has provided for me, and that’s okay, but I think my dot remains dark at that moment. But on the bigger picture, around a catastrophe, the edges may be positively GLOWING with light! People sharing, and caring. People giving First Aid, relief flooding in from all around, people making sacrifices to help the needy. Providing comfort, reconnecting families. That area might be one of the brightest spots around!!! So I just wanted to give you that mental picture.
The world might look scary and terrible sometimes, but if you look in the right way, you might be happy to discover glowing light all around the edges.
I want to be one of those lights.