In the family I grew up in, my parents and relatives hung crosses above their beds.
If I think back to the places I’ve lived after I moved away, I’m pretty sure I’ve always had some kind of cross above my bed. First it was a simple wooden cross that I received as a gift. Then I replaced it with a drawing I did that looked like jigsaw puzzle pieces, and I used colored pencils to make the cross design. When I used that design as a banner for church, I decided to get a large canvas print of it, which hung above my bed until this image appeared in my mind.
A very simple design, but it appeals to me. I painted it using acrylics on canvas board pretty much exactly the way I saw it in my mind. Right now it represents the most pleasing cross design I can imagine. One that I would choose to place above my bed. And that’s where it hangs, starting today…