-=< O >=-
From as far back
as I can remember, I’ve
always been interested
in trees; their shapes
and sizes, and the
patterns of their
branches and
my mother often
pointing out trees she
thought were beautiful,
so maybe that’s where
I got it from
When learning to draw,
trees were a natural
starting place
and one
of the rooms
in our house has
a wall filled with
various tree
I was asked
to comment on them
while hosting a small family
reunion one year, and nervously
tried to explain the thoughts
behind each one
‘on the fly’
I got
by interruptions,
trying to compose
while speaking,
and the result was
an incomplete failure,
but here is a collection of
images followed by what
I might have said about
them if I was a better
impromptu speaker
I can’t remember if this
was done in middle school
or first year of high school,
but I was proud of
myself for using
(can’t erase!)

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The blue dots
were done with a felt tip,
and I liked it so much, I created
a larger artwork using dots;
an image of a baby’s
face looking up
at the sky
A teacher
offered me $20 for it,
but I wish I had saved
a copy of it. I would
love to see it again
back to trees
If I hear
the word ‘tree’
out loud, the image that
immediately pops into my mind
is either an apple tree or an oak,
and I can’t predict which
one will appear first
This image is
the concept of
fruitfulness in
a simple

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It also
represents my
long-time enjoyment
of ‘coloring’
I remember
sitting with my children
with crayons, colored pencils
or markers, and the times we
all got together to make
Mother’s Day Art
for Cyndi
are some of
my favorite
year we took
a family vacation
to DisneyWorld
I started noticing the
Tiki carvings around the
resort we were staying in,
and used a black Bic pen
to outline this design,
with pencil shading
I love
the pattern
of the foliage

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..and the trees
forming the shape of
Mickey Mouse ears
is no accident
I love
smooth curves
and even spacing,
though I rarely see
such regularity
in nature

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This one is
the counterpoint
to the previous image
I often see
tree shapes that
aren’t pleasing
to me
I might think to myself,
“I wouldn’t make it that way”
So this is a temporary
embracing of the chaos
I see in many natural

-=< O >=-
above about chaos
might have been obscure,
but I have some kind
of judgmental
in me
Here’s another
I notice the sky
looking at any
particular ‘sky scene’
on any particular day,
the thought often comes
to mind that if I painted
exactly what I see, the
painting wouldn’t
‘look right’
and people
would wonder
why I painted it
that way
Which implies
that there are certain
arrangements of clouds
that ‘look right’
I’m getting too
philosophical about it,
but the painting above
is my way of honoring
real-life scenes that
‘don’t look right’
-=< O >=-
design with
better balance
I was looking at
trees after a snowfall,
and noticed how the snow
clumped at the intersections
of the branches
gave me
the idea for
a ‘Snowball Tree’,
which I had a lot of
fun designing

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Here’s another
design that I
really can’t
It has something to do
with being out in the weather,
but that’s all I can think of
to say about, except to
say I really enjoyed
creating it

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Now that I’m
thinking about it,
I probably started that
design to try out a set of
Liquitex Markers my
daughter Jamie
gave me
This one is
similar to the last,
and I remember thinking
that a tree is out interacting
with it’s environment constantly,
immobilized in place
If you look,
you can see the sun,
the blue stands for water,
oranges represent oxygen
and carbon dioxide

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In California
I attended some
lectures on Permaculture,
which really got me thinking
about how living things
are linked together
One comment
that really stuck with me
was about how a tree is like
a staple joining two completely
different enviroments
my attempt
to convey that

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Finally, a duo
All the previous
images have been
single trees, but
not all trees
live alone

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Of course,
I had to try a
‘Family Tree’
The large trees represent
Cyndi’s family and my family,
the intertwined branches are
marriages, and the green
stalks are children

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There were
more marriages
and children after
I made these trees
-=< O >=-
I should
also mention
the icon image
It represents
how trees are always
changing through
the seasons
You see
the first leaf
starting to turn as
autumn approches

-=< O >=-
that’s most of
my tree collection
Hope you enjoyed
seeing them
(Thanks for asking, Edee!)
-=< O >=-
And this time I can’t interrupt you – thanks for finishing what you had to say! <3
Ha, that’s one thing I love about writing; being able to organize my thoughts in advance.
Love you Edee, you have always encouraged me!!!