this blog features ART that is related to the BIBLE
why this painting is the first…
a five year project…
one more, before you go…
a scene of betrayal…
fleeing the flood…
jesus & justice…
a series in the round…
expressions in fabric…
passionate paper-cutting…
animating the word…
fear and weakness…
hail, mary…
making the best of it…
Merry Christmas!
mixed messages…
drawn to…
a selection of holy cards…
another deck of holy cards…
ok, enough with the holy cards!
lost, but not forgotten…
a riddle of images…
global participation…
privates in public…
do we owe her an apology..?
wanting a shorter story…
a simple edit…
how it all began…
images and words…
an iconic christmas…
forming an image…
fear-based media…
illustrate the bible…
recurring images…
blast from the past…
does not compute…
a virtual exhibition…
ask, seek, knock…
Oh, oh, the places you’ll go…
the magazine of christian art…
sharing the light…
and faces…
collaboration by mail…
a cycle of life…
going postal for Christmas…
art ministry…
a memorable moment…
the mock continues…
dynamic scenes…
art books online…
traditional themes…
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